How to Become a Successful WordPress Developer

How to Become a Successful WordPress Developer

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WordPress with its major benefits has become a huge hosting platform. It is offered for free. Its rich features are handy, simple to learn and well customized, employing various themes and plugins. WordPress developing requires sincere input and commitment.

Let us skim through few tips that would enable you to become an excellent WordPress developer.

Take a Deep Dive into the WordPress Technology

Understanding the programming languages that underpin the formation of WordPress such as MySQL, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS is absolutely necessary.

Become an Avid WordPress User

To master WordPress, you have to look at it from a user’s outlook. This enables you to become a voracious user of WordPress, allowing you to explore all the possibilities of the platform.

Read the Material Available for WordPress

Read materials that explain in detail about WordPress and then put them into practice. Following is the list of where you can retrieve materials about WordPress:

  • WordPress TV: Here, you can watch WordPress-related videos for free
  • WordPress Codex: It is a source of edited, large amount of contents related to WordPress posted by communities.
  • Plug-in Handbook: A resource hub of several materials regarding WordPress plugin development.
  • WordPress Code Reference: Here, you can find details regarding WordPress’ methods, classes, hooks and functions. It is an official WordPress page.
  • Blogs and Books on WordPress: WPTavern, WPBeginner, and WPMU DEV are few of the best WordPress blogs you can follow.
  • Master the Art of Debugging: Debugging knowledge in WordPress and expertise in coding enhances your skill of writing error-free coding. Debug Bar, Core Control, Query Monitor and Log Deprecated Notices are some of the developer-oriented plug-ins that can be used for debugging.

Attend WordCamps

Never miss any WordCamp community events and conferences organized near your locality. By participating in such events you meet developers with whom you can share and exchange ideas. It would be still better if you start a WordCamp in your area and become an organizer.

Learn SEO Basics

Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and spam linking through which higher rankings in search engines were possible. Now, it is more important for a WordPress developer to maximize the use of Search Engine Optimization for enhancement of his WordPress.

Connect With the Right People

You become what you are by connecting with the right people. Find people associated with WordPress through LinkedIn and other social networking sites. Spending time with your contacts becomes an invaluable asset for you, in order to develop your WordPress better.

Develop a Theme or Plugin

Work on your own theme for the WordPress and a create a plugin which would solve real issues. You can release it either for free or with a fee. Later, enhance your theme and plug-in based on the comments and suggestions of your users.

Participate Actively in WordPress Forums

WordPress Forums is the official support provided by WordPress for users, to ask WordPress related questions. You can actively engage by answering those questions and also parallelly learn from the answers provided by other developers. WordPress Development Stack Exchange is another source to give and get all answers related to WordPress Queries.

Constant Practicing is the Key

You have to dedicatedly keep practicing all the features of WordPress by developing your own projects. Only upon doing this can you excel as a WordPress developer.

Contribute to the Codex

WordPress Codex has both stored information and is also a living manual which gets updated frequently. It has all the information related to WordPress. You can beneficially contribute to Codex by editing existing pages, picking a task, adding/editing etc.

Having gone through the above factors, you can be an important contributor to the improvement of WordPress by reading extensively about WordPress and applying your knowledge in the real world. You can excel as a WordPress Developer by being an ardent seeker of new knowledge and work with utmost passion.

Are you looking to learn the best-in-class WordPress training in Chennai? Call us at +91 9884802333 or email us your requirements to Besides, you can get in touch with us through online chat.

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